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Shattering Glass Ceilings: Campaigning For A Better Louisiana

APRIL 3RD, 2023

Coming off the high of this weekend’s LSU Women’s Basketball NCAA Championship win, I’m feeling inspired.

In fact, my daughters were watching the game with me and asked, “Dad, why don’t we see more teams and coaches like that on TV?”

My response: the world isn’t always fair and equal in the way we treat women, it doesn’t always make much sense. But know that both your parents, the people in our community, and your state are working very hard to ensure you have more of those opportunities when you’re my age.

Do you want a State Treasurer who will lead with equity and fairness in mind?

In my work as a financial planner and investor, thus far, as well as in my service to Louisiana, I’ve always strived to create equitable and equal opportunities for people no matter their gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexuality, or background in general.

That’s the sentiment I’m taking into my run for Louisiana State Treasurer. But I need your help to get there.

Will you help us meet our fundraising goal by this Friday, April 7 and help create an equitable and just future for Louisiana?

Let’s shatter the glass ceilings for our future generations and not hang on to the past.

For a Better Louisiana,


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